Sunday, November 13, 2011

Excuses and Cavities

Okay, okay. I know, I know, I know... it's been a month since I've blogged. But I have a creative and original excuse: we've been busy. You will find my sub-excuses organized below.

Excuse #1
Our school officially opened. The ceremony was grand. They cut a ribbon and there was balloons. Success. And accomplishment.

Excuse #2
Our badass friend Kim came to visit from Seoul. We toured Jeju. Success. And good times.

Excuse #3
We climbed Mt. Halla. Success. And pain.

4) Halloween happened. The kids put on a carnival and we ate way too much chocolate. Success. And cavities.

5) Pepero Day happened. More chocolate, this time in the form of sticks. Success. And more cavities.

6) We've been exploring our new island. Success. And cuddles.

7) We've been hanging out with the cutest baby in the world. Baby also doubles as a dentist. Great for all those cavities. Success. And free dental care.

Til next time.